Between the iii movies and the multiple TV serial, an absolute ton of dragons take been introduced to the How to Train Your Dragons franchise. Some of them are iconic and easily recognizable, similar Toothless. Others are a bit more obscure and require a more than in-depth understanding of the dragon types available.

Here is a consummate listing of all the dragons in the franchise. But be warned, this list includes dragons introduced during How to Train Your Dragon iii: The Hidden Earth. Some of them you've probably already seen in the trailers, and so information technology isn't a spoiler. Others have been explicitly hidden from the trailer and should be considered a spoiler for the conclusion of the movie.


Catastrophic Quaken:

The Catastrophic Quaken is a stone eating dragon, hence their preference for hanging around in rocky areas. They will act similar an armadillo when threatened, which is really pretty cute. They can become on the offensive side, as well, but that is thankfully less common. When forced, they tin utilize their rock-like torso to send shockwaves through the earth, easily knocking down any flightless opponent.

Crimson Goregutter (New):

The Crimson Goregutter looks exactly like what would happen if you managed to combine dragons and deer together. They have large and potent horns on the front of their heads. They're actually quite majestic. Like the species they resemble, they're mostly peaceful but are fully capable of defending themselves when needed. When forced, they can spit molten lava same every bit some dragons spit burn.

The Crimson Goregutters make their first appearance in How to Train Your Dragon three.


Gronckles are basically fat, armored hummingbirds. They're ane of the toughest dragons out there, but they don't really act like it. They'd prefer to laze around and play all day, rather than fighting. Gronckles are the only dragons that can wing in whatsoever direction – only like a hummingbird. Their proportion is dramatically off, with a large body and tiny weeks comparatively. Also, did we mention that their eggs explode? Astrid and the group learned that 1 the hard way. Meatlug is the best known Gronckle and is the companion to Fishlegs.


The Eruptodon is exactly like yous'd picture, given the proper name along. They're a species that eats lava, and generally prefer to live inside volcanoes and other sources of their nutrient. Their choice in location too helps protect them from a lot of enemies, but not all. Dragons are an obvious exception to that rule. They don't have much past way of attack, but tin eat nigh of the burn and lava shot at them by other dragons.


Hotburples tin easily exist confused with Gronckles. They consume lava and ore, unlike the species they and then strongly resemble. They're loud and lazy, which is another thing they have in common with Gronckles. Their assault, unsurprisingly, is a lava based attack. They tin can shoot out lava or flaming chunks of stone with surprising consistency. Grump is a Hotburple, and is also a companion to Gobber, and their personalities are oddly suited for 1 some other.


Sentinels very much live upward to their namesake. They have the appearance of stone, and can stay incredibly all the same. This combination allows them to blend in with their environs, and become better lookouts for what they are protecting. They're the guardians of the dragon graveyard, and they take their job seriously. They can't see, but all of their other senses make up for this lacking. Their primary weapon, ironically, is audio based. They can allow out sonic screeches and wing blasts.


Shovelhelms are large and blocky dragons. They have a pointed chin, stubby arms, and a paddle-like tail. They use their shovel-shaped head as an attack method, which is appropriate for them. They're surprisingly fast for their size, but they're not as well brilliant.


Snafflefangs are some other solid dragon type. They accept a spiked tail and diamond shaped teeth. Their preferred diet is geodes, which is fortunate for the people effectually them. It does, nonetheless, brand them a bigger target for other dragon types, besides as humans trying to capture them.

Whispering Death:

The Whispering Decease prefers to live on and under the basis, as opposed to in the heaven. They are constantly hungry, which makes them an enormous threat. Their multiple rows of teeth make them even more than frightening, and with proficient reason. They don't have great eyesight though, which is common for basis-dwellers. Screaming Decease is the best-known dragon of this species.

Mystery Course


Armorwings have a lot in common with some of the traditional legends of dragons; where they hoarded shiny and metallic objects. However, the Armorwing does something special with his hoard. He'll weld the metal objects to his body, giving an extra layer of protection from attackers.


The Boneknapper is considered a mysterious and agonizing dragon past many. This is more often than not due to their armor preference. The Boneknapper will collect bones and course the collection of them into armor. They won't just choose any os though, and instead volition always go with the best fit. Perchance that is why they always expect so striking.


The Buffalord is probably the most passive dragon of the bunch. Unfortunately, that ways that this dragon has been hunted to near extinction. In that location are nonetheless a few around, thankfully. They're predominantly grazers, and while they won't seek out a fight, they will non permit a human to come forth and hunt information technology out of its preferred field. When threated they can shoot out spikes from their hibernate, and practice a bang-up imitation of a puffer fish.

Cavern Crasher:

Cavern Crashers expect more like lizards with really big teeth, but they're however a dragon. They're a striking black and gold, with a narrow snout that's almost beaklike in advent. They're a footing-dwelling species, preferring to spend their time hole-and-corner. They can defend themselves via a flammable mucus they secrete.


Changewings are listed equally being one of the about unsafe dragons in the Book of Dragons. Granted, a lot of that information has become outdated in one case the Vikings stopped hunting them. Much like Chameleons, Changewings can blend into their environs with ease. Their offensive weapon is a corrosive acid capable of burning through even stone. Despite all of this, Changewings are surprisingly expressive and will hunt together in formations similar to a lion pride.


The Deathsong has a frightening name, and it certainly earned it. Despite that, they are by far the most colorful and arguably most beautiful dragon out there. They wait like to a butterfly in many ways. A butterfly capable of releasing bister like fungus, that is. The fungus will trap its casualty, which happens to typically be…dragons.


Dramillions are kind of beautiful and even look like a winged T-Rex. Okay, a majestic and winged T-Male monarch. They're parrot-like in nature, being able to mimic any other dragon set on they see – and yes that does apply to all of their burn down attacks. Information technology'south really a little bone chilling.


Flightmares are also cute in their ain right. They have a striking blue glow to them, thanks to their bioluminescence. They gain this through the algae they consume, thus it isn't natural to them. They're a more often than not defensive species, but that doesn't mean that they're not territorial. In fact, they can get quite put out when another dragon or hunter enters their territory. This is probably because they don't exercise well up against larger dragons, resulting in them feeling uncomfortable around whatsoever or about of them.


The final dragon on the list is the Zippleback. The Zippleback is a two-headed dragon. The two heads permit for a clever way around the blind spot effect in dragons. Each head provides a unlike resources as well. Ane produces gas and the other a spark. You lot can guess what happens next. Ruffnut and Tuffnut have a Zippleback dragon. This may or may not take been a adept call, depending on how well you think they get along. Their dragon's heads are named Barf and Belch, respectively.


The Sandbusters are the pirates of the dragon world. Similar the traditional myths of dragons, they love to hoard their gold. They live under the shores of the Northern Markets, and will happily sink and steal from any passing ships foolish enough to come up to close. They're vulnerable to sunlight, which isn't a mutual issue amid dragons.


Slitherwings nigh look similar a fancy kite, merely don't make the mistake of approaching them. They're venomous and hunt in packs. The reason they are then bright is the same reason that nature makes all venomous creatures bright, equally a warning.

Smothering Smokebreath:

Smother Smokebreaths adopt to be left alone and practice not respond well to Vikings heading into their land. Despite this, they really would rather stay hidden than first a fight. They stay in packs and can create smoke clouds as a style of concealing themselves.


Snaptrapper is a 4-headed dragon, of all things. They're a beautiful shade of light-green; though don't let their looks distract yous. They release a scent that might tempt you closer, but that would be a fatal mistake.

Stoker Grade


Firworms are cute, in a fiery sense. They accept flaming hot peel, and typically either four or even v pairs of legs. The species is best known for the Fireworm Queen – a female capable of laying thousands of eggs in her life. They're similar to bees in this sense, and in that she makes a firecomb for her dozens of eggs to grow in.


Hobblegrunt take a beautiful and big frilled section on their heads. Their tails take a similar blueprint. The colour of their scales changes based on their mood, which is probably helpful for the new dragon trainers out at that place. Gruff is the all-time known example of this species. He's another one of the many dragons that Valka has become fond of.

Hobgobbler (New):

Hobgobblers are one of the smaller dragon species out at that place. They're minor and stocky, with fiddling spines on their dorsum. They look like little scaled pugs in many means. Despite their size they're quite destructive – especially when in larger groups. Together they can and volition consume anything in their path.

Hotgobblers are making their get-go appearance in How to Railroad train Your Dragon 3.

Monstrous Nightmare:

The Nightmare is an aptly named dragon. They have long necks and boast a spooky number of spikes along their head and body. And don't even get the states started on the teeth. This dragon is probably the nearly similar to European dragon mythology, with a more traditional plumage of burn and deadly abilities.

Snotlout'south dragon is a Nightmare, and has the very advisable proper name of Hookfang.

Night Terror:

The Night Terrors don't look like the about intelligent species out there – due mostly to their duller looking eyes and wide-set face. They're fast flyers, and they prefer to exist out during the nighttime. Making them more nocturnal. The Night Terrors generally prefer to exist in packs, which makes them stronger, just besides more vulnerable to existence picked up by an alpha dragon.

Red Expiry:

Red Expiry tin hands be confused with Bewilderbeasts. They're enormous dragons and can act every bit alphas in an area. Nosotros've merely seen the one, and so for all we know Ruby Decease is a unique animal. They rely on other dragons to bring them food – just they are capable of putting up a good fight on their own. Their size alone is an advantage in the fight, but they can as well produce massive volumes of flame.


Singetails are another aptly named species. Where near other dragons let loose their attacks through breathe attacks, the Singetails release it through their jaws, gills, and tails. This makes the set on extremely difficult to avert. Another affair that makes them stand out? They don't accept the typical dragon weakness – there is no blind spot to bargain with. They tin see 360 degrees, cheers to their chameleon-like eyes.

Terrible Terror:

Terrible Terrors are cute little dragons. They're the smallest of the known dragon species and are relatively harmless. Well, they'll curious little critters who will get into all sorts of trouble, but they won't try to eat you at least. Scuttleclaw is the most famous Terrible Terror. He's the little dragon Hiccup befriended in the offset movie.


Threadtails are beautiful dragons. They're teal and yellow, with a very long neck. They have a head frill, as well as poisonous skin. This is not a dragon you lot want to come in contact with, to put it lightly.


Typhoomerangs are another woods abode dragon. They're massive enough to raise questions nigh how well they exercise in dumbo woods, yet. They tin can release cyclonic jets of flame and are known for having a fiery temper.

Sharp Class


Cloudjumpers are a species that may look rather aroused and stubborn, and absolutely they may take slightly earned that reputation. They have two sets of wings, assuasive them to have superior flight control. They've the most active and maneuverable dragon at that place is in the heaven. Their set on is more traditional, being long bursts of fire. Stormcutter is the all-time known dragon of this brood. He belongs to Valka, Hiccup'southward mother.

Grim Gnasher:

Grim Gnashers are smaller, and cartel nosotros say cute? They're not the smallest dragons out there by whatsoever means, just they're up there. Grim Gnashers human action much like carrion birds, circling around their chosen prey – well-nigh always already injured, of grade. Grim Gnashers may deed mostly like carrion, but they have a trait in common with sharks likewise. They'll regrow their teeth with ease. Which is fortunate, considered their preferred diet—dragon—is likely tough on the teeth.


Raincutters have an alarmingly long jaw, and sharp fins on their backs. Their neck is long and matches the shape of the head. They're a h2o-based dragon, as probably evidenced by the shape of their bodies. They love worms and rain more than annihilation else.


Razorwhips are a beautiful metallic black dragon species. They're more ambitious than many other dragon types, and won't hesitate to commencement or end a fight. Their namesake is their barbed tale that can squeeze or slice as needed.

Speed Stinger:

Speed Stingers would be best compared to Velociraptors. Like Velociraptors, they're intelligent, fast, and aggressive. To make matters worse, they can fly. That's great for them, and bad for their prey. They hunt in packs, with 1 Speed Stinger to lead the bunch.


Timberkjacks are dragons with beautiful shimmering dark-brown wings. They predominantly live in the woods. They prefer the peace that a healthy wooded area can bring. When attacked, or adequately irritated, their cute wings can exist turned into powerful weapons. They have precipitous spikes and claws all over them.


Thornridges are a bright green dragon with red and yellow accents. They take spikes on their head and frills, likewise as a long neck and. They predominantly swallow fish, thus preferring to stay virtually the h2o.


Windstrikers accept a long cervix and beautifully bright wings. They use super-heated blasts of air as their primary form of attack. They're fast flyers, and tin can even make it look like they're diving in the heaven, thank you to their speed.

Tracker Grade

Deadly Nadder:

The Mortiferous Nadder is a tracker dragon by nature. Their strong sense of smell helps them overcome 1 weakness that most dragons accept – a blindspot in forepart of their nose. This is a lesson that Ruffnut and Tuffnut had to learn the difficult way. Mortiferous Nadders use fireballs to take down their prey or enemies, and mostly volition stay at a distance until the fight is over. The Deadly Nadder is the dragon that Astrid concluded upward with. She fondly named her dragon Stormfly.


Rumblehorns are blocky and solid dragons. They take a clubbed tail and a wide maw. Their neck is armored, and y'all tin clearly meet the delineations in their scales. They're another tracking dragon. Their main set on is a charge where they bend their heads down and let their solid head and neck do the work.

Skullcrusher, Stoick'southward dragon, is the best example of a Rumblehorn.


Snifflehunches are a brightly colored dragon species with a long protrusion under their chin and on their olfactory organ. They're another tracking species, and are capable of producing a fire-sneeze attack. Their distinctive humps are capable of expanding in size as well.


Submarippers are another massive water dragon species. They're possibly the origin of the myths about Krakens, for all we know. They create whirlpools to drag their prey down to their depths. On the vivid side, they won't do that to ships unless they're foolish plenty to try and choice a fight. Apparently, Vikings are likewise pocket-sized to exist considered casualty in other circumstances.


Thunderclaws are another tracker dragon. This is a breed of dragon that prefers to spend their days surrounded past others of their kind. They're a pretty calm and happy species on the whole. But unlike a lot of herding animals, they're fully capable of defending themselves equally needed. Bonesnarl is one of the named Thunderclaws. Snotlout briefly was able to ride this dragon.


Windgnashers are a tough looking species, with a bulbous protrusion on their heads. They accept a humpback too. They are excellent trackers, being able to pick up a scent from extreme distances. Their main assail is an ice blast, which may be a bit surprising thank you to their green coloring.

Tidal Class


The Bewilderbeast is an Alpha dragon. That means that they have the ability to bend other, smaller dragons to their volition. It'due south not an ability given though, simply 1 that earned. They have to fight their way to the top, and and so must defend their title from other Bewilderbeasts. Bewilderbeasts are massive creatures, and can easily shape their environs to their preference. There take been ii characters associated with Bewilderbeasts, both in How to Railroad train Your Dragon two. Valka and Drago both had Bewilderbeasts companions in that plot arc.


Scauldrons look a footling comical, with their large gullets similar to a pelicans. Scauldrons are another dragon that prefers to be near the ocean. They stick together in pods, and their favorite meal? Dragons. They shot out boiling water, which explains the purpose of their big gullets. Their biggest vulnerability is their dependence on water. They will dry if they spend as well much time away.


Seashockers are basically behemothic fish with wings. They share a lot of traits with dolphins and manta rays, also equally some bioluminescence. The species has two heads, though they don't seem to exist multipurpose similar the Zipplebacks. They're a water based species, obviously. Only they tin ship electrical currents through the water – an constructive tool for hunting.


Shellfires are another body of water living dragon, and they are enormous. They predominantly alive in the deep sea, and they sort of accept to. No other aquatic biome would exist able to support their size. While capable of producing exhale attacks, their size often makes information technology unnecessary.


Thunderdrums are capable of opening their mouths to insane proportions, assuasive them to allow loose a powerful concussive sound. The sound alone is strong enough to kill a human if they're close enough, so sentinel out.

Strike Grade

Deathgripper (New):

The Deathgripper is a truly scary looking dragon. They're predominantly black, with dark red accents forth the wings and underbelly. The coloring combined with the large bottom teeth and stinger on the tail certainly makes them worthy of their name. The stinger is exactly that as well – merely like a scorpion, the tail is capable of producing venom. The Deathgripper fabricated its first advent during How to Railroad train Your Dragon 3.

Light Fury (New):

Light Furys have been getting a lot of attention ever since the trailer for How to Train Your Dragon 3 came out. The female Calorie-free Fury is strikingly beautiful, and is the perfect opposite of Toothless. Just like Night Furys, Calorie-free Furys have retractable teeth. Their scales are reflective, and they can shoot plasma blasts.

Low-cal Furys make their first appearance in the newest picture show, How to Train Your Dragon 3.

Night Fury:

Whenever we think of Nighttime Furys, we naturally think of Toothless. He'southward cute and inquisitive, and acts surprisingly like a cat when he's with Hiccup. Earlier the events in the first How to Train Your Dragon movie, Night Furys had the worst reputation of the agglomeration. They had never been seen by humans (none that survived, at least) and are best known for attacking in the dark, where they cannot exist seen. His assail is a sort of charged free energy blast, giving off quick but powerful bursts.

Night Lite (New) (Spoiler Alert):

Night Lights are the adorable cross between Nighttime Furys and Light Furys. Their looks aren't consequent, but are generally a blend of white and black other their bodies. They have the cogitating scales and retractable teeth known to both species. Presumably, their attacks piece of work the same style besides.

Night Lights make their first appearance in How to Railroad train Your Dragon 3.


Skrills are an electricity type dragon, funneling lightning through their spines. They besides have the ability to store this electricity, releasing it at a afterwards time. This ability means that they'll nigh always exist out during a storm. Their one major weakness is that their power does not work when they are emerged in water.

Snow Wraith:

Snow Wraiths are possibly the simply dragon without whatever of the common vulnerabilities. They're hardy and keen survivors. They also take thermal vision, useful for tracking in colder environments. They became important during the Dragon Riders series, when it became articulate that they could unlock the Dragon Heart device.

Triple Styke:

Out of all the dragons, the Triple Styke probably looks the most like a Pokémon. They're a bit on the cranky side, and aren't afraid to show information technology. They accept barbed and strong hides, and a ready of iii spikes on the end of their tail. They're capable of shooting intense bursts of fire.